Speaker: Rev. Alex da Silva Souto

The Gift Of Renewal

Come and hear Rev. Alex da Silva Souto speak. Topic: “The Gift of Renewal.” We come from the earth, and we shall return. Tech: Malachi Smith-Lewis Music: Chris Perske Worship Associate: Bev McMillan Watch in person or here on Zoom: Join Zoom. CHILDCARE WILL BE PROVIDED

Many Wells One Aquifer

Where do you draw the living waters you need for you faith journey?  How did you come about it and how deep are those wells? Worship Associate: Megan Johnson, Tech: Jeff Sachs, Music Pam Sachs and the UU CHOIR. Watch a portion of the service on youtube HERE. Childcare is available.

Love is a Verb

What have we learned from last Sunday’s service? As Love becomes the binding principle in the revision of UUA’s Article II, how do we go from cheap love to liberating love? Worship Associate – Beverly McMillan. Childcare will be available. To watch a video of key elements in this service (Worship Associate’s reflection, a reading … Continue reading Love is a Verb