Our Next Service

The (Scientific) Reality of Spirituality

Led by UU member and science writer Beverly McMillan, this week’s discussion centers on neurotheology, the scientific exploration of spiritual experiences and the possibility that each of us is a spiritual pioneer as we make our way through life.

Summer Discussion Sessions Are Here!

Summer Discussion Sessions Are Here!

These popular, invigorating discussions engage our minds and hearts during the nine summer Sundays (July through August) when minister-led services are on hiatus.

Who We Are

Who We Are

We are a non-creedal religious community guided by our Mission and Principles. You don’t have to adopt a set of beliefs to be a Unitarian Universalist. We are diverse in faith, ethnicity, history and spirituality, but aligned in our desire to make a difference for the good.

Recurring Events

  • PUUb Theology
  • Morning Power Walks in Upper Bidwell Park
  • Women's Wisdom Group
  • Men's Breakfast
  • No-Guilt Book Club
  • What's Next: Optimizing Your Final Years
  • Caring Committee
  • Social Justice Committee
For more information see "Connections" above.